Making the Case for Case Management Teams Using the Trace Platform
For years now, the healthcare industry has been raising awareness of the importance of case management teams throughout our healthcare system. Never before has this group of professionals been more important than today as the United States sees a massive shift in its aging population.
“The aging of baby boomers means that within just a couple decades, older people are projected to outnumber children for the first time in U.S. history, “Jonathan Vespa, a demographer with the U.S. Census Bureau, said in a press release. “By 2034, there will be 77.0 million people 65 years and older compared to 76.5 million under the age of 18.”
This demographic change will obviously impact every segment of the economy, but perhaps none so much more as healthcare. An aging population will put a strain on already thinly stretched infrastructures at most hospitals and health systems. Organizations will need to leverage technology to help cover staffing and budget shortfalls as they work to maintain appropriate levels of care and deliver optimal patient experiences for this growing population.
Case management teams play a key role in coordinating care delivery to this patient base. They also play a key role in manually organizing and managing hundreds of pages of paper records related to these patients every single day. In this digital age, one might ask “how is it that this critical group is still drowning in paper?” The answer is as simple as it is complex.
Even though most hospitals have some type of electronic health record (EHR) system, those systems still have to take in (and send out) information from (and to) many other, non-electronic, disparate sources including individual physician offices, clinics, rehabilitation centers, skilled nursing facilities, insurance companies and the like. These groups often send and receive paper records and referrals by mail and paper fax. In this era of electronic everything, the list of paper-based communications a hospital receives in a single day truly boggles the mind.
Beyond the daily paper chase that case managers endure, they are also tasked with managing multiple conversations related to care planning, staff consultations, patient evaluations, discharges, and referrals. Additionally, they must train their teams and regularly evaluate their performance to help ensure the quality of service delivery. Beyond a quick note here or there, many of these conversations cannot be fully tracked without some type of a recording system. Even if there is a recording system in place, indexing a specific conversation to an individual patient’s record is not something a typical EHR or phone system can accomplish.
With a tidal wave of information originating from so many sources, what can a healthcare organization do to help its case management teams be more efficient and effective at delivering optimized patient experiences? Vyne Medical has a simple solution to this complex challenge – the Trace® platform – a proven solution for indexing all types of communication events, reducing paper and delivering real value in the form of enhanced communication, improved processes and reduced insurance payment denials.
Trace enables case management teams to electronically:
- Receive, manage and index inbound faxes containing data such as external medical records, prescription requests, and referrals from various providers such as physician offices, hospitals and clinics
- Electronically exchange medical records, patient referrals, prescription information, and durable medical equipment requests via secure email or electronic fax
- Record, index and retrieve conversations with insurance companies and referring providers
- Manage insurance authorizations and denials
- Capture forms and documentation from the EHR for streamlined authorization and distribution to other facilities
- Request approvals for extensions of care
- Process patient transfers to other care facilities
- Provide documentation required for audits, if requested
One year after implementing the Trace solution, St. Francis Medical Center saw an 85 percent reduction in the number of claims denied for a lack of clinical information – a difference of more than $130,000 per month. Trace helped the hospital prevent lost revenues while providing the case management team with more time to focus on patients, payers and discharges.
Trace is easy to use and provides case managers the ability to capture disparate data that may reside in various places – within the EHR, on paper, in emails, and in face-to-face or phone conversations – and combine this information into a single, patient-centric package.
Let Vyne Medical show you how the Trace solution could help drive value and efficiency for your case management team as well as other departments within your organization. Contact us to schedule a call with one of our solution experts today.
Contact us to schedule a call with one of our Vyne Medical healthcare solution experts today.