Webinar: The Advantages of Automation and Automation Possibilities

With Nio Queiro, CEO of Queiro Group, LLC

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Set to be a game changer in the industry, automation will have a major impact on a healthcare system’s clinical care, operational supportive care, and revenue cycle.  To ensure these innovative models are maximizing efficiency and productivity, healthcare systems are tasked with being a part of the integration process.

Leaders need to upskill their workforce to keep up with the inevitable technology, which indicates a major change in the education level of individual workers.

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About the Session:

By reducing errors and redundant tasks, automation creates time for decisions that require human intelligence.  In this exclusive Vyne Medical-sponsored webinar, Nio Queiro, President and CEO of The Queiro Group and former SVP of Revenue Cycle for Tufts Medical Center, will explore why hospitals and healthcare systems should prioritize automation.  Recognized as one of Modern Healthcare’s Top 25 Innovators, Nio will outline the advantages of replacing task-oriented work with automation–making responsibilities like obtaining a medical record, something team members don’t even have to think about.

Learning Objectives:

  • Discuss the advantages and possibilities of automation
  • Determine how to prioritize task oriented work for automation
  • Examine the importance of partnership to ensure automation is optimizing  your workflow


Nio Queiro, CEO of Queiro Group; formerly SVP of Revenue Cycle for Tufts Medical Center

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