“This call is being recorded for Quality Assurance...”
In this day and age, it is very common to hear, “this call is being recorded for quality assurance.” On nearly every call you make into any organization, calls are being recorded. Recording calls allows companies to ensure their employees are delivering the best customer service as possible. More and more companies are standardizing their process and creating a consistent experience for any and all clients, guests, prospects, or whatever you want to call them. Quality reviews are performed to address areas in need of improvement and confirm standards are met. This “trend” is becoming increasingly popular in the healthcare industry as more and more health systems push for an improved, consistent patient experience.
How Recording Calls Can Change Your Hospital
Vyne Medical offers a variety of voice recording applications through our flagship product, Trace. Our voice tools are scalable to fit any number of users or environments. With each application, recordings are indexed and stored in Trace for playback, download, routing and quality scoring.
Using Trace has allowed hundreds of hospitals to improve their accountability with patients, physicians, payers, and even their own employees.
With Trace, you can remove the “he said, she said” or more often, the “he didn’t say, she didn’t say.” Just think about how many times there’s conversation around whether or not a patient was properly prepared before coming in for a visit, procedure, or surgery. With Trace in place, clinicians will less often assume an error in patient preparation as a result of an error in the call center or by patient access staff members. Why? Because with Trace, you have the proof.
Recording conversations with patients is not only used as evidence for ensuring standards are being enforced, but also to evaluate areas of improvement. Employee training improves as a result, because you’re able to record all interactions for educational purposes. Several organizations using Trace have discovered that in many conversations, staff was not communicating as well as they could have, identifying areas of opportunity to improve. Management can use these conversations for educational purposes, alongside showing better ways to communicate with patients.
Here’s what one Director of Patient Access had to say about it…
“We have so many calls where we thought we may have done a good job, and then we listen to it and realize we could have done a better job. Now we use it to train our employees about customer satisfaction.”
Here’s a look at how one hospital is improving processes with Trace:
- Insurance Verification: Calls, web visits documented for evidence, efficiency
- Call Center: Calls recorded for quality assurance, physician relations; wait times monitored (10k calls/month)
- Bed Control: Calls recorded for quality, patient placement
- Case Management: electronic faxing streamlines discharge placement; physician adviser records RAC appeals
- Rehab: Calls recorded to document authorization, reduce denials
- Operating Room: Cases booked via fax, documented to confirm
- Credit: Calls recorded for quality
- Scripting, call recording
- Monitor quality indicators (wait times, talk times, customer service)
- Quarterly reports to Quality Council
- Each scheduler listens to percentage of calls on a monthly basis
Improving Conversation Quality Can Also Improve Your Bottom Line
In addition to improving patient experience, call recording has proven to also positively impact hospitals financially.
Health First, a four-hospital, not-for-profit health system in Florida, found that the content and quality of this team’s interactions with patients were critical to reducing bad debt and increasing POS collections. Learn about Health First’s journey to improving upfront collections.
Moffitt Cancer Center, a Florida Health System dedicated to partnering with patients and their families to provide a quality experience, recognized a need to redesign front-end workflows to improve operational efficiency, financial integrity and patient experience. The revenue cycle team at Moffitt sought strategies to improve patient experience while maintaining performance in traditional metrics such as denial write-off trends, abandoned call rates, turnaround time and other quality and operational indicators. Learn more about their success.
The simple step of recording phone calls through Trace can save not only time and money, but most importantly, relationships. It’s far from being your average call recording solution. It also has plenty of other benefits that you may not have considered.
One of the unique features of Trace is its ability to also capture in-person conversations between staff and patients. Face-to-Face recording is particularly helpful in these areas:
- Financial Counseling
- Up-front Collections
- Patient Financial Responsibility
- Patient Registration
- Bedside ED Registration
- Employee Discussions
- Patient Complaints
- Grievances
Learn more about face-to-face recording.
To learn more about how you can get Trace up and running in your hospital, contact us.