Conference Details
This 1-day conference in Kansas City is sponsored by Vyne Medical, NAHAM Central Region, and hosted by Saint Luke’s Health System. We designed this conference to bring together Kansas City and surrounding areas patient access leaders. The conference will include hot topics, best practices, and peer networking.
This is a free conference but requires each individual to register.

When & Where
Wednesday, August 24th, 2022 at 9:00am
Saint Luke’s corporate headquarters in Kansas City
901 E. 104th St.
Kansas City, MO 64131

• 9:00 welcome and introductions
• 9:30-10:00 NAHAM overview and updates
• 10:00-11:00 hot topics round table
• 11:00-11:45 specific topic
• 12:00-1:00 lunch sponsored by Vyne Medical
• 1:00-1:45 specific topic
• 2:00-3:30 provider best practices
• 3:30 adjourn