Meet the Trace Platform 

Streamlining workflows, preventing lost revenue, and reducing healthcare’s mundane, manual tasks.

Trace effortlessly captures and stores healthcare’s disparate data from virtually any source, including voice, fax, document, and image. Available for a single-department or enterprise-wide, Trace helps you better serve your patients and staff by consolidating, centralizing, and indexing interactions and data to the patient record. With Trace, your health system can achieve interoperability, generate more revenue, and take control of denied claims.

Choose, Capture, Consolidate, Automate, Integrate, Access


• Assortment of
• Cloud Fax
• Tailored Solutions


• Voice
• Fax & Document
• Image


• Digitize
• Centralize
• Optimize


• Fax, Document &
• Voice
• Operations &


• Most Third-Party
• Apps & Exchange


• Interactions
• Data
• Communications

Diverse Products:

Find the Right Solutions for Your Organization


A central repository system simplifying the retrieval of patient audit trails by consolidating faxes and documents, images, and audio recordings into one place for rapid access directly tied to the patient record.Learn More >>

Document Automation

Improve information management and reduce manual effort by automatically converting unstructured data from documents into structured, reliable data, minimizing errors and saving valuable time.Learn More >>

Refyne Cloud Fax

Convenient, digital faxing that uses healthcare-specific functionality to simplify the management of incoming and outgoing faxes and workflows for teams throughout the enterprise.Learn More >>

Voice Recording

Capture essential patient and payer conversations and provide easily accessible proof for overturning denials through automatic, on-demand, or face-to-face recording options.Learn more >>

Image Capture

A robust image management solution, capturing on-screen documents and integrating the images directly into the patient record within your EMR for effortless access at any time.Learn More >>

EMR Integration

Create a communication between two or more diverse software systems, both mono-directionally and bi-directionally, to facilitate smooth data and functionality flow between systems and with other providers.Learn More >>

Trace Quality Assurance

Perform consistent, objective quality assurance reviews of staff communication to ensure best practices and patient satisfaction.Learn More >>

Patient Form Request

A convenient communication tool enabling patients to upload images within an encrypted environment, allowing hospital teams to enhance overall productivity by efficiently indexing the received image(s) to the patient’s record.Learn More >>


Make patient care faster and more accurate by quickly capturing information electronically, including both mouse and digital certificate signatures.Learn More >>

“I have nothing but very positive things to say about the Trace product. The main reason we acquired it was to help us with our denial management and record the conversations we were having with insurance companies. The insurance industry as a whole has stopped issuing written authorizations. Everything is verbal, so we initially had no proof that we received authorizations and continued to get denials for lack of authorization. In our case, we struggled with authorizations for continued stays.”

– VP/Other Executive, January 2024
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