How a Growth Mindset Can Drive Automation Success in Healthcare
Successful automation adoption relies on cultivating a safe and creative environment
In the fast-evolving healthcare industry, successful adoption of modern technologies hinges on cultivating a safe environment that allows learners to make mistakes without repercussions. Albert Einstein once said, “A person who has never made a mistake never tried anything new.” By encouraging a culture of learning through reflection, valuable insights can be gained.
New technologies driven by automation hold the potential to save healthcare systems time and money, but the transition to implementing these innovations may pose some challenges. Researcher Susan Kerrigan describes the connection between success and failure as symbiotic, emphasizing that a creative practice flourishes when failure is analyzed through a systematic lens instead of an individualistic viewpoint. Additionally, since automation simplifies manual tasks without replacing an entire occupation, fostering creativity becomes a collaborative effort, where teams work together to identify optimal ways to make the most of their newfound time.
Drive effective change by viewing automation implementation as a learning experience
Despite Ernst & Young reporting a global failure rate of 30% to 50% for robotic process automation, healthcare organizations have the potential to overcome this statistic and effectively drive innovative change. Rather than designing automation solely around a specific task or process, the focus should be on the people it aims to assist. The ultimate goal is to improve the lives of healthcare employees, and this requires a willingness to learn from mistakes, engage in trial and error, and adapt approaches where necessary.
The implementation of automation provides a valuable learning experience that involves evaluating processes to determine their suitability for automation. This evaluation includes analyzing workflows to identify routine, repetitive steps, areas of high volume, and tasks that can be performed without human intervention. Although mistakes may occur, the key lies in learning from these experiences to refine and optimize the automation system. Embracing these lessons enables the creation of the most effective and efficient processes possible, ultimately driving success and growth in the long run.
Finding the right vendor becomes equally important as embracing the learning curve
Through successful trial and error implementation, healthcare organizations can achieve better resource utilization, improved customer service, and elevated employee morale by automating tedious manual tasks. However, it is essential to acknowledge that not all vendors are the same. Taking the time to review your various automation options and finding the right match becomes equally important as embracing the learning curve. By carefully selecting the appropriate automation solutions, healthcare organizations can maximize the benefits and overcome potential challenges, leading to transformative advancements in their operations and services.
Another key to success is recognizing the importance of opting for practical automation solutions. Selecting approaches that are relatively uncomplicated but yield a strong return on investment is a great starting point. To avoid overly complex approaches too soon that can lead to challenges, it’s wise to start with intiatives that are well-suited to your orgnanization’s capablities, promising significant value, such as replacing mundane manual tasks.
A vendor providing automation insights and solutions built for healthcare
As the healthcare industry continues to evolve, automation may soon be a necessary part of future operations. To ensure your organization stays ahead of the curve, consider exploring time-saving solutions like those offered by Vyne MedicalⓇ, helping healthcare organizations across the country streamline processes and increase revenue through automation and other advanced technologies.
The Vyne Medical-sponsored webinar series, featuring “Automation is Critical for Patients and Your Healthcare Organization” and “The Advantages of Automation and Automation Possibilities in 2023,” offers valuable strategies and insights from industry experts on how to facilitate the implementation of automation in a healthcare system while effectively embracing the learning curve.
Discover the transformational power of automation with solutions built for healthcare at https://vynemedical.com/.
Sambandam, Suresh. “Council Post: Why Process Automation Initiatives Fail (and How Yours Can Succeed).” Forbes, 21 Apr. 2022, www.forbes.com/sites/forbestechcouncil/2021/10/12/why-process-automation-initiatives-fail-and-how-yours-can-succeed/?sh=2b37cff63b62.
The Systemic Relationship between Creative Failure and Creative Success …, www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/17510694.2019.1624134.