

Strategies for Successfully Implementing Change in Healthcare


Leaving paper-based processes behind and digitizing your health system’s operations may seem daunting, but with the right preparation, it can be a smooth journey. Join Garrett Olin, Chief Information Officer at Shasta Community Health Center, in this Vyne Medical®-sponsored webinar as he shares effective strategies for implementing change that boosts employee satisfaction and enhances patient […]


Defend Your Revenue: Strategies for Success in 2024


With the surge in healthcare claim denial rates and evolving regulations from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), adopting proactive strategies to secure payment for your services is essential. Join Nio Queiro, CEO at The Queiro Group LLC, in this Vyne Medical®-sponsored webinar as she examines different approaches aimed at fortifying your defense […]


2023 in Review: The Good, the Bad, and the Future


The year 2023 seemed to slip by in the blink of an eye but not without bringing trends and changes that will leave a lasting impact on the healthcare industry. In this Vyne Medical®-sponsored webinar, Nio Queiro, CEO at The Queiro Group LLC, will recap the year’s noteworthy developments, from the expanding role of artificial […]


Maximize Your Revenue Cycle Performance


Explore strategies for optimizing your revenue cycle with Cissy Mangrum, MBA, CMPE, CPC, and Founder and Principal of Revitalize Healthcare Solutions in this Vyne Medical-sponsored webinar. Drawing on her extensive 18+ years of leadership experience in physician practice and revenue cycle operations, Cissy will illustrate how refining processes and fully leveraging technology can enhance the […]


Charting a Path to a Patient-Centric Future – Strategies for Transforming Healthcare


Over the past two decades, the patient experience in healthcare has significantly deteriorated. Rising costs, opaque quality, limited access, and frustrating EMR systems have plagued the industry, indicating a need for a major overhaul. While there are exceptions, such as concierge care and advanced treatments benefiting some individuals, these are not the norm. Join Aasim […]


Strengthening Defenses to Combat Data Breaches


Between 2010 and 2022, healthcare breaches compromised 385 million patient records, emphasizing the critical need to prioritize security in the healthcare industry.  Additionally, in 2021, the healthcare sector experienced the highest number of ransomware attacks compared to other critical infrastructure according to the FBI. In this Vyne Medical®-sponsored webinar, join industry expert Gary Salman, Chief […]


Perspectives on CMS Proposed Requirements for Enhanced Interoperability


Is your healthcare organization ready to meet the latest CMS proposed requirements from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)?  These new regulations are expected to further modernize healthcare systems by facilitating increased patient access and improving data exchange among payers and providers to promote greater interoperability.  Led by Susan Clark, “Health IT Rock […]


Leveraging NAHAM Group Insights to Enhance Patient Access through Automation


At the 2023 Automation Focus Group Workshop held in partnership with NAHAM’s 49th Annual Conference in Orlando, Patient Access Leaders from twenty-four hospital and health systems provided valuable information regarding the current state of automation in Patient Access. Join Vyne Medical for an exclusive webinar to uncover and discuss this focus group workshop findings. Discover […]

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