

Vyne Medical Introduces Fax Complete


Innovation is critical to the future of society and economic growth According to the World Economic Forum, innovation is critical to the future well-being of society and to driving economic growth.  Vyne Medical is excited to be involved in the design, development, and deployment of new technologies and innovations poised to have a significant impact […]


Webinar: Leveraging NAHAM Group Insights to Enhance Patient Access through Automation


At the 2023 Automation Focus Group Workshop held in partnership with NAHAM’s 49th Annual Conference in Orlando, Patient Access Leaders from twenty-four hospital and health systems provided valuable information regarding the current state of automation in Patient Access. Join Vyne Medical for an exclusive webinar to uncover and discuss this focus group workshop findings. Discover […]


How to Maintain a Thriving Healthcare System Despite Inflating Costs


2022 marked toughest year since start of the pandemic for healthcare systems Hospitals in the United States faced their toughest financial year since the beginning of the pandemic in 2022, according to a report by the American Hospital Association (AHA).  The rising cost of medical supplies and equipment due to historic levels of inflation, combined […]


Webinar: Bridging the Gap – Ensuring Optimal Care in Underserved Communities


Social Determinants of Health (SDoH) can impact patient safety by creating barriers to accessing healthcare, contributing to health disparities and affecting patient behaviors and attitudes towards health. Implementing strategies to improve communication and coordination of care can improve access to healthcare and will not only impact patient safety, but also address challenges within communities. The […]


How Leaning Into Technology Can Solve Healthcare’s Challenges


Technology & data silos reported as most common problems for healthcare providers Healthcare providers across the country find themselves in a challenging position as they face staffing shortages, battle inflation costs, and manage disparate data.  The only clear solution to these problems seems to be the implementation of technology, which has long been a common […]


Webinar: How to Update Your Healthcare System RCM Approach for 2023


Without interoperability in healthcare, prices increase, patient wellness decreases, and fractured care permeates the industry.  Learn from seasoned experts on how you can provide high-quality patient care and recoup revenue with investments in the right technology. Join Nio Queiro, President and CEO of The Queiro Group and former SVP of Tufts Medicine, and Noel Juaire, […]


How Cloud Fax Can Benefit Healthcare Systems


The Efficiencies of Cloud Fax Converting to an electronic fax process can reduce document delivery costs such as maintenance, telecom costs, and paper as well as reducing equipment and IT burden of maintaining the machines. Centralizing fax and electronic communication gives providers the opportunity to reduce costs and risks associated with standalone fax machines, but […]


The Advantages of Automation and Automation Possibilities in 2023


  Taken from Nio Queiro’s Vyne MedicalⓇ-sponsored webinar on the advantages of automation   How is artificial intelligence (AI) impacting the workforce and productivity in North America? A 2017 study found that 14.5% of the current North American GDP or $3.7 trillion was affected by automation and Artificial Intelligence (AI), and it projected that by […]


Tackling Rising Denial Rates in 2023


    Claim denial’s hold on the revenue cycle An astonishing 90% of a healthcare system’s missed revenue opportunities comes from denials, according to Healthcare IT News. Even though denials represent only 10 – 20 percent of claims, they have a major impact on a healthcare system’s cash flow.  The Healthcare Financial Management Association (HFMA) […]


Webinar: How to Establish Thoughtful Access to Care


National trends indicate a rise of retail-based clinics, increased adoption of telemedicine, and an overall heightened perception of access to care, but these convenience-care models are often not grounded in a medical home and ultimately result in poor-quality care. Join the leadership team from Montana Pediatrics in this Vyne MedicalⓇ-sponsored webinar as they explore how […]

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